Our terms & conditions

Welcome to the website https://colombiacoffeetree.com, onwards (“THE SITE”) created under Colombian law and managed by COLOMBIACOFFETREE S.A.S., Colombian company, with Tributary Identified Number 901.232.912-6, represented by MARIA CLARA PUERTA CORREA, identified as a Colombian citizen with the number 1.040.749.346; whose main economic activity is the commercialization of agricultural services related with coffee and their online purchase for Colombian and international customers; whom onwards and effect for the present contract we will call (“USERS”). Any claim related to the use of the website and the contains will be regulated for the Colombian law. However, the products will eventually be delivered to the address provided by the user regardless of which one is. Entering to the website, the user accepts and admits having read and understood the Terms and Conditions of use, and assume the obligation of respect the contains, privacy policy, legal notifications and all the disclaimer clauses in the contract. In accordance with the above, the parties to the contract agree to regulate founded on the terms and conditions described below and based on the following clauses, previous the following statements:


  • The parties declare to make this agreement duly informed about its scope and interpretation; and in full use of their faculties with full capacity for its realization and subscription.
  • The parties declare that they know that the website counts, as a result of their experience and business effort, with their own and specific know-how. This know-how is secret, substantial and identified. The “secret” character derives from the fact that knowing how to make it, as a whole and in the combination of its components, is not generally known or easily accessible. The character of “substantial” derives from the fact that the know-how of the company includes important information for the proper exploitation of the business in question. The character of “identified” derives from the fact that the know-how of the company, is described in a sufficiently detailed and is easily distinguishable from the know-how of other companies or individuals, who are engaged in the exploitation of related businesses or similar.


  • The user declares to have full access to information and enough knowledge of the risk inherent in agricultural activities and consequently decides to accept and assume that risk in order to receive the service and eventually enjoy the benefit over the respective agricultural production.
  • The user declares to know that, according to the type of service contracted, the responsibilities in this type of contract are of means; and who knows that by virtue of this agreement, the website makes the greatest and best efforts for the successful development of the agricultural coffee process.
  • The user declares to accept the privacy policies of the website.

FIRST: OBJECT. The website through the commercial company that administers it, is obligated to provide the service of agricultural administration for coffee. The user may, once the agricultural coffee cycle has ended, request the website to send the production of its plant or its plants for consumption or commercialization. The user will communicate to the administrators of the website the conditions of and presentation of the product, whether green, roasted, roasted and ground among others.

PARAGRAPH:In any case, in the event of an accident (for example; phytosanitary problem, hailstorm, weather event, collapse, fire, among others), which prevents gather the crop of the tree or trees acquired in favor of the user; the website undertakes, in any case, to deliver to the User the production that in hypothetical terms would have given the harvest proportional to the tree or trees acquired, which will be taken from the same lot or from one with the same quality and characteristics with the intention of keep the conditions agreed in this agreement and strive to keep the User always in conditions of satisfaction with the service offered by the website.

SECOND: TERM OF DURATION.This agreement is agreed for a term of one (1) year counted from the acceptance of the user of the terms and conditions agreed in this clause.

THIRD: VALUE AND FORM OF PAYMENT. The payment of the services is established by common agreement in advance in the sum of  ONE HUNDRED AMERICAN DOLLARS (100 Us)., Which will be paid with the acceptance of the terms and conditions of this agreement.

PARAGRAPH: When making the payment, you can request the credit card number and billing information and / or shipping; identification number of the recipient if it is a person other than the User; Information related to personal interests and the specifications of the service to be hired.

SECOND PARAGRAPH: The forms of payment accepted by the website will be through user through the means adopted by the administrator of the website. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the website will not be liable for any faults that arise in the communications of the banking or credit entities, nor for the damages caused to the user in the event of an action or omission on the part of the financial entities.

PARAGRAPH THIRD: Once the website verifies the payment, it can proceed to the acceptance of the offer of services. In any case, notwithstanding the payment being verified, the website may refuse to accept an offer of services or accept it partially, in which case it will only be obliged to return to the User, without any interest or performance, the value canceled by the offer of services not accepted or the percentage corresponding to the unapproved part of a partially accepted offer of services.

FOURTH: OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES. OBLIGATIONS OF THE WEBSITE: A) The website is obliged to provide the personnel and the necessary supplies for the development of the entrusted function, such as fertilizers, fertilizers and others. B) The website is obliged with the user to maintain permanent feedback of the coffee farming process, resolving doubts, clarifying processes and showing the management developed. C) The website is obliged to lend its best efforts for the development of its entrusted management, attending to its knowledge in the coffee agricultural sector. OBLIGATIONS OF THE USER: A) The user undertakes to make the respective payments in accordance with the terms and conditions established by the website. B) The user undertakes to comply with the recommendations indicated by the website regarding the agricultural process, payments, use of the portal and other related or complementary topics of this agreement.

FIFTH: OFFICE AND DELIVERY OF PRODUCT. The administrator of the website undertakes to make the corresponding shipments, destined to the user or to whom he designates for such purpose as delivery address within the terms that the user deems and by the means determined by the user. In any case, the shipping costs of the production are already included in the value of the product.

PARAGRAPH: For the purposes of this agreement it is understood that any person who is in the address where the delivery must be made, will be duly authorized by the user to receive his order. Therefore, the website is exempt from any responsibility for the delivery made, if the delivery done at the address registered on the website.

If the order is not received at the address indicated on the website, it will proceed with the return of the products. In this case the Customer will be obliged to contact the website within a maximum period of three (3) calendar days to proceed with its resend, in any case, the shipping and insurance costs generated will be assume by the user, and until they are not paid, the website will not be obliged to do the dispatch again.

The other situations not regulated or foreseen in the terms and conditions of use of the website will be made in accordance with Colombian legal regulations, especially those established in Law 1480 of 2011.

In accordance with the regulations in force in the Republic of Colombia, the material contained in the website, including, without limitation, texts, graphics links (links), are provided on the basis of “as is”, without any guarantees of any type, either express or implicit, including, but not limited to, suitability guarantees for a particular purpose that do not contravene or infringe the rights of third parties. COLOMBIACOFFEETREE warns Users that the information on the Site may contain errors or inaccuracies, may not be complete or updated. Therefore, the Site reserves the right to correct any error, omission or inaccuracy, change or update it at any time and without notice.

All computer, graphic, advertising, photographic, multimedia, audiovisual and / or design material, as well as all content, texts and databases (hereinafter “the Content”), made available to Users on the website they are the exclusive property of COLOMBIACOFEETREE S.A.S., or of third parties that have authorized their use and / or exploitation. Likewise, the use of some content owned by third parties is expressly authorized by the Law and is protected by the rules on copyright, trademarks and all applicable national and international regulations.

It is prohibited any act of copying, reproduction, modification, creation of derivative works, sale or distribution, display of the Contents, in any way or by any means, including, but not limited to, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or of any other nature, without the prior written permission of the website or the owner of the copyright.

In no case, these Terms and Conditions confer rights, licenses and / or authorizations to perform the acts described above. Any unauthorized use of the contents will constitute a violation of these terms and conditions and current regulations on trademarks, copyright and / or other applicable national and international intellectual property rules and will result in the corresponding civil and criminal actions.

The organizations, products and / or services to which they are advertised on the website as well as the links are not affiliated or have any relationship with the website, which does not fulfill any function in the production of those products and / or the provision of services and does not constitute any guarantee, express or implied, of its content or its suitability for a particular purpose. For example, when the use of any product and / or service is suggested, it is the User’s exclusive autonomy to decide its use, and therefore the website assumes no responsibility for direct or indirect, certain or eventual, past damages, present or future, that will come to derive from said use.

In this way, the transactions that the User makes with third parties outside the website from the advertising of products and / or services, as well as the visits made to their websites through the links will be under their exclusive risk, without in any way compromising the responsibility of the administrator of the website.

By accepting the legal terms and conditions, the User indicates that they know and authorize, in a prior, express and informed manner, COLOMBIACOFFEETREE S.A.S., its subsidiaries and affiliates, so that your personal data can be stored and used in order to achieve an efficient communication during the present procedure or activity and authorize in the same terms, that said information may be treated in accordance with the provisions of Law 1581 of 2011 and its regulatory acts, in order to receive information about its products, services, offers, promotions, alliances, studies, competitions, content. Likewise, the User has been informed about the policy for the protection of personal data available on the website, which includes the consultation and complaint procedures that allow the users’ rights to access, knowledge, consultation, rectification, updating, and deletion of the data, and also the User may submit any request referring to personal data via email: info@colombiacoffeetree.com.co.

If User has not been notified in a timely manner of the existence of the violation of their personal information, or when the User has not proceeded to notify the corresponding financial entities or cooperatives of the loss, misuse, theft or theft of the instruments. conferred by these to carry out transactions, or when there is an improper use of their registration data, the Site assumes no responsibility for such actions.

In the event that one or more of the provisions contained in these Terms and Conditions are considered null, illegal or ineffective in any respect, the validity, legality and enforceability or effectiveness of the rest of the provisions of this document will not be affected or canceled. for this circumstance.


The website www.colombiacoffeetree.com will receive notifications at the address () or through chat, phone: 57+301 344 58 50. Email: info@colombiacoffeetree.com